When I first heard about it, I thought it was crazy! How can washing your face with oil get it clean? I mean sometimes my face is pretty oily, especially after a grueling, but fun, Zumba workout!
Well, I did some research and started experimenting with an oil cleanser I prepared. It turns out that oil dissolves oil. Dirt is broken down, pores are cleared, and skin is left glowing and feeling refreshed and rejuvenated! It's also nice because oil cleanser removes eye make-up at the same time.
Using an oil cleanser removes impurities and leaves behind only the natural oils necessary to maintain balanced skin. Your skin will not feel tight and dry like so many commercial cleansers do.
Give it a try and see what you think. At night, pour a nickle-sized amount into your hand to warm it and then massage all over face, including your eyes to remove eye make-up, for about one minute. Try to relax and enjoy the massage and warm oil. Then place a wet, hot washcloth over your face to steam and gently remove the oil; you will have to rinse the washcloth a couple of times. No need to moisturize your face afterwards, although I always put Vitamin C Serum and a moisturizer around my eyes.
I only wash with oil cleanser at night and use my regular honey cleanser in the morning. In addition, I have found that this extra nourishment is only needed during the cold, dry months. In summer, I skip the oil cleanser altogether. My cleansing oil and other natural products are available at www.AbundanceNaturals.com.