It's been kind of quiet here at Abundance Naturals because my Dad died last month. I've taken some much needed time off to think, remember, and grieve a much loved man.
That being said, several things came to mind during that time period, some of which I'd like to share with you because they are important to your health--physical and mental.
First off, slow down!!! We are all so busy these days, and life goes whirling by at a crazy pace. We run from meeting to event, to commitment, to errand. We often move through life not even being present in the moment because we are thinking about the next thing we have to do.
When that happens, there's a good chance we're really not "present" with the people we are with. Have you ever had a conversation with someone and found yourself not even hearing what the other person was saying because your mind had wandered to the next thing or even to what you were going to say next? The people in our life deserve more from us than that. We need to be fully "present" and pay attention to the person we are talking with, i.e., not making our grocery list, paying bills online, playing Words with Friends, etc. while talking with them!
Have you ever gulped down your lunch at your desk so you could complete a project? I have too many times. Not only is it bad for your digestion to eat quickly and without thought, it's also important to get up from your work and take a break. We need to enjoy our food and let it nourish our body.
The other part of slowing down is Self Care--taking time to care for you and your needs and to rejuvenate yourself. Think about it, you can't care for others if you haven't taken care of yourself. An empty tank will get you nowhere! So, what is self care? It starts with taking time (and scheduling it so it actually happens) to:
Prepare/pack healthy meals
Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night
Take an hour before bedtime to relax and wind down so you can fall asleep more easily
Get out into nature
Get active each day (just a five-minute walk makes a difference)
Take time to do something you enjoy each week
God made you, and you are special! Start today, slow down, and incorporate self care into your daily life. It will make you a better person, and you will feel better!